The start!

Hello, to all our followers. We are Ana Catarina Cesário, Ana Rita Batalha and Beatriz Ramalho and we will write this blog about the matters topics disamed in English class, but giving it an economic taste.

We will start by writing a review of the film "Elizabeth, The Golden Age" and the economic sphere of the 16th century.

We hope you enjoy it.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tribal economy

The Ibo tribe are subsistence by farming, but they also export.The main agricultural products include yams, cassava, and taro. Other important subsidiary crops include cocoyams, plantains, maize, melons, okra, pumpkins, peppers, gourds, and beans. Palm products are the main cash crops. The principal exports include palm oil and, to a lesser extent, palm kernels. Trading, local crafts, and wage labor are also important in the Igbo economy. High literacy rates among the Igbo have helped them obtain jobs as civil servants and business entrepreneurs since Nigeria gained independence in 1960.
Women dominate rural retail-market commerce. 

Trading is a major social and economic function of women in traditional Igbo society. Women engage in all sorts of economic activities to make money to purchase the essentials they need. They make mats and pottery and weave cloth. Women do most of the small trades, which is very active. The manufacture and trade of pottery are almost exclusively the domain of women. Igbo also process palm oil and palm kernels, which they market with the surplus crops from their farm stock, and generally monopolize the sale of cooked foods. Ibo mine and sell salt.
There is a sexual division of labor in the traditional setting. Men are mainly responsible for yam cultivation, and women for other crops. Usually, the men clear and prepare the land, plant their own yams, cut stakes and train the yam vines, build the yam barns, and tie the harvest. The women plant their own varieties of yam and "women's crops," which include cassava, cocoyams, pumpkins, and peppers. They also weed and harvest the yams from the farm. With regard to palm products, the men usually cut the palm fruit and tap and then sell the palm wine. 
It is Igbo custom that a wife must be allocated a piece of land to cultivate for feeding her household.

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